Welcome to Hydrodynamic Engineering

BREAKING NEWS!  The federal income credit for residential geothermal installations has been renewed and it is retroactive.  This is a 26% tax credit, until the end of 2021, for the total cost of your geothermal installation.  Talk with your accountant on how you can take advantage of this.  If you have considered geothermal in the past but were concerned about the upfront cost this is your chance to convert from fossil fuels and save up to 50 percent or more on your energy costs.

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About HDE

Geothermal Heat Pumps
Design and Installation of Geothermal Heat Pump systems 
Residential, Commercial and Light-industrial

Water Supplies
Public Water Supply Pumping System Design
Water Treatment System Design
Well Testing Services
Dept of Health Permits and Regulations Compliance

Thermal Conductivity Testing


Geothermal heat pump design & installation


Water supply system design & permits


Thermal Conductivity Testing

Contact HDE